Exciting new dyslexia research, titled “Rapid and Widespread White Matter Plasticity During an Intensive Reading Intervention,” was published this month in the scientific journal Nature Communications. The study, from the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at University of Washington (UW), examined growth in reading skills and white matter in school-aged, struggling readers. Diffusion MRI […]
University of Washington researchers are studying the effects of the Seeing Stars® program.
Researchers from the University of Washington are in the midst of a study using the Seeing Stars® intervention to better understand the underlying mechanisms of dyslexia. Typical interventions for dyslexics involve strategies to help struggling readers compensate. And while there are many programs and strategies that improve specific reading skills, such as phonemic awareness and […]
A recent study conducted at MIT shows the benefits of Seeing Stars instruction.
A recent study by the McGovern Institute for Brain Research and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) utilized the Seeing Stars® program to test the efficacy of reading intervention with young children who have reading disabilities and difficulties. Brain regions grew significantly thicker in children whose reading scores improved after Seeing Stars instruction. […]
Late last year, National Public Radio (NPR) premiered a five-part radio and blog post series titled “Unlocking Dyslexia” which highlighted new research and provided insights on dyslexia, the most common learning disability in the United States. In Part 1 of the series “Millions Have Dyslexia, Few Understand It,” reporter Gabrielle Emanuel shares her own experience of living […]
Tip 1: DRIVE THE SENSORY BUS. Use language to directly and explicitly stimulate the sensory input of symbol imagery. For example, the language “What letters do you picture for the word ‘thought’?” stimulates imagery, whereas the language, “How do you spell ‘thought’?” does not. Tip 2: EMPHASIZE ORTHOGRAPHIC PROCESSING. In Seeing Stars, only a few […]
The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) has officially re-endorsed Gander Publishing’s Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking® and Seeing Stars® programs. CASE is an international professional education organization affiliated with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), whose members are dedicated to the enhancement of the worth, dignity, and uniqueness of each individual in society. […]
by Nanci Bell “If I can’t picture it, I can’t understand it.” — Albert Einstein Einstein’s famous axiom underlies comprehension and critical thinking. In classrooms today, great teachers explicitly develop a student’s ability to visualize the content they are covering. Consider this short passage: “An ice age is a period when for a long time the temperature […]
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