Late last year, National Public Radio (NPR) premiered a five-part radio and blog post series titled “Unlocking Dyslexia” which highlighted new research and provided insights on dyslexia, the most common learning disability in the United States. In Part 1 of the series “Millions Have Dyslexia, Few Understand It,” reporter Gabrielle Emanuel shares her own experience of living […]
Tip 1: DRIVE THE SENSORY BUS. Use language to directly and explicitly stimulate the sensory input of symbol imagery. For example, the language “What letters do you picture for the word ‘thought’?” stimulates imagery, whereas the language, “How do you spell ‘thought’?” does not. Tip 2: EMPHASIZE ORTHOGRAPHIC PROCESSING. In Seeing Stars, only a few […]
“I am always grateful for the difference our work has brought to many but never more so than when I see the long arm of our reach. Children you and I will never meet now have a better chance in the world.” -Nanci Bell Co-founder of Lindamood-Bell and Founder of Gander Publishing Thirty years ago, Nanci […]
by Margaret Towner What do you picture for “See ya”? A teacher stood at her 4th-grade classroom door to say goodbye to her students. “See ya!” she said. Maribel looked at her in bewilderment and said, “Silla?” The teacher nodded and again said, “See ya. See ya tomorrow.” Maribel nodded her head and left the classroom. […]
Young Readers Learn with Help of Robots By Jacqui Atkielski With the help of four robots, instructors at Tullahoma City Schools and Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes have teamed up to provide another innovative way to educate students. Funded by a discretionary grant totaling $99,750, students who struggle with reading and language arts will receive supplemental education […]
by Nanci Bell “If I can’t picture it, I can’t understand it.” — Albert Einstein Einstein’s famous axiom underlies comprehension and critical thinking. In classrooms today, great teachers explicitly develop a student’s ability to visualize the content they are covering. Consider this short passage: “An ice age is a period when for a long time the temperature […]
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